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SmartPeep offers pilot opportunity for SSA Nursing Home, funded by raiSE Singapore “Venture For Good” grant

Calling Social Service Agency / Nursing homes in Singapore to contact us for more information about this grant.

Posted on
August 2020
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SmartPeep offers pilot opportunity for SSA Nursing Home, funded by raiSE Singapore “Venture For Good” grant

With the ‘Venture For Good’ grant from raiSE Singapore, we are now offering a pilot opportunity for SSA Nursing home to try out SmartPeep AI Elderly-Sitter System in the facility. 

Who will benefit from this grant? Nursing home in Singapore which is also a Social Service Agency. 

Using our AI System for automated and continuous monitoring, nurses and carers will be able to respond to the incidents faster and provide care to the elderly at the right time and right place. This can enhance senior care delivery and address the challenges of caregiver shortage especially in the night shift. 

“We are charting a path forward for an even better future for the senior community in Singapore. We hope that more elderlies, caregivers and healthcare workers will be benefited by our AI technology,” our CEO, Dr. Lim Meng Hui said.

Talk to us or email [email protected] to find out more about this grant. 

About SmartPeep

SmartPeep is an AI health-tech company that develops automated monitoring systems to prevent accidents and assist healthcare professionals to respond better towards patients and elderly especially with higher fall risk and low mobility. It helps ease the strain on taking care of the patients and senior residents. Learn more about SmartPeep AI System at our product page.

About raiSE Singapore

The Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise (raiSE) was set up to raise awareness on social entrepreneurship and raise support for social enterprises in Singapore. raiSE’s goal is to strengthen Singapore's social enterprise sector and encourage the growth of social enterprises as a sustainable way to address social needs. Learn more about raiSE Singapore at its website

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