The 4th annual Asia Pacific MedTech Forum programme brought over 700 healthcare leaders, assembled at the Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Singapore. This programme was organised by the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) and was held from 9 – 11 October 2018. APACMed is the regional trade association which provides a unifying voice for the medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics industry.
This year’s forum was the largest and most diverse to date. The theme for this year’s forum is “TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE: Empowering Patients; Driving Outcomes”. It focused on the convergence of healthcare with technology and how the healthcare industry can bring more effective, technology-aided care for the benefit of all the patients across Asia Pacific.
SmartPeep was so pleased to attend this forum and to receive the chance of showcasing our product to the public. From visibility to credibility, exhibiting in this forum has helped us to establish our presence, provided a powerful platform for meeting new customers, networking with the global and regional healthcare leaders and building an established and reliable brand.
Visit the conference websites for more details.
Website of Organiser: APACMed
Website of Forum: MedTech Forum